donderdag, augustus 02, 2007

Start of August & the Low Limit Grinder Community

Finally another update, last month I've had the biggest downswing in my pokerlife! I lost about 15 buy-ins!! I think the first 5/7 buy-ins I lost were due to pretty sick hands, just bad luck. The additional 8 buy-ins I played very poorly, I think the downswing was making me playing scared and I started playing passive without any aggression. Without aggression you can't win in short handed games!

So I started to analze my PT stats, watched some Cardrunners vids and the I did a poker marathon resulting in a great 12 buy-ins win. Very pleased about this and I regained some confidence about my game.

Last week I also joined the Cardrunners Low Limit Grinder community, so hopefully this will improve my game and I will get in touch with some new great players who're all eager to improver their pokerskills. So I'll try to update my blog once every day with some hands and other pokerrelated stuff.

Some hands of the past days

1) Hand 1: Villain is playing 68/18/3. I saw him make some weird plays. After his check on the flop I knew he had a monster JJ or 77, but considering his big bet PF I concluded he wouldn't make this sort of bet PF. I was pretty sure he had 77 or another small PP.

2) Hand 2: Villain is playing 31/15/.. The last couple of hands he's continously reraising everyone's CBET, so I decide to check the flop knowing he'll fire a bet. How about my all-in check/raise is this a good play or should I just just call?

3) Hand 3: Villain is playing 60/10/1..normally I would just fold to his river shove, but now I'm just wondering what he could possibly have? Would he do this kind of bet with a set, the nut flush draw or a stone cold bluff? They way this hand is played I don't put him on a set or an overpair... so bluff or flush and would you make this call? I'll post the result tomorrow.

Good luck at the tables!



At 11:17 a.m., Blogger robracing said...

Hand 1 :

I would reraise 99 on the button here. I would also have bet at this flop, with only one overcard.

Turning a set was a great result! Here you could have put in a small raise, to protect your hand against the spade flush coming.

With the villain holding an under-set, you should have doubled up with this hand.

Hand 2 :

Here you are fine PF, and your check on the flop is fine, if you are sure that the villain will do your betting for you.

However, I think that you were pretty lucky to get so well paid off. I would have check/called the flop and probably looked for a CR on the turn.

Hand 3 :

You MUST reraise PF OTB here. How strong of a hand do you need before you 3bet??

The hand history is missing some action from the turn. You bet again here, right?

It is hard to judge what to do on the end, as I don't know what the turn action was, and so what the pot value was.


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