Best month...
Almost playing about 2 years now and I'm having my best pokermonth ever!
It really feels great and I finally get some reward for two years of commitment to the game.
Especially Cardrunners helped improve my game a lot, it's just a great poker community and an excellent training site. So I got me a Cardrunners membership with this month winnings. This membership is just +++EV!
I'm still playing 25$ SH but I'm way overbankrolled, so I'll move up after our Italy-trip. Here is an excellent reason why I should move up:
With too much money at one level poker can become monotonous, the excitement can fade and the sense of progress, which is so vital in poker, disappears. Yes, you may feel uncomfortable at higher levels, but that's a good thing surely? You have to want to push and challenge yourself to be successful and get the most enjoyment out of the game.
Thanks for the advice JackRich.
I also never cashed-out any pokermoney, but now i think I'll reward myself with a Nintendo WII :-) and I'll have to take some proper bankrollmanagement steps.
Cu @ the tables...
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