woensdag, november 21, 2007

A new milestone...

Great times on this moment, I doubled up my Bankroll I started with this year.
So mainly playing 50NL 6Max with an > 9 PTBB winrate, not bad at all :-)
I also started playing HU SNG ranging from 5-20$ and won about 90% of them.

My main obejctive for the next couple of weeks is playing another 15k hands on the 50NL before taking some shots @ the 100NL tables.

Hopefully my BR will continue growing, because I'll need it to finance our upcoming marriage in August :-)
Since I started playing poker (3 years ago) I didn't cash out any euro-cent...I still see my BR as the most important tool to improve my pokergame!
Maybe I'll cashout some next year, just to show how much I appreciate my wife for not complaining when I play poker :-)

Good luck @ the tables!

PS Forget to mention that I won my biggest pot ever :-) about 160$ on the 50NL ...ship it.


At 9:00 a.m., Blogger The 80th Minute said...

Nice results!
Keep her cause woman who don't complain about poker are rare :) luckily I married also one of those!

At 9:01 a.m., Blogger The 80th Minute said...

Just took a look at your profile. It is scary, it is describing me! Almost a 100% copy!


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