zaterdag, juli 21, 2007

The downsing continues...

I'm having my biggest downswing ever! Yesterday I played about 1k hands...over the first 400 hands I was dealt pocket K's three times and was up against pocket A's three times. After analyzing my PT stats for the latest 4k hands I noticed that I was dealt pocket K's 9 times and lost it 7 times against pocket A's... wtf?

Then my sets just don't held up! Sets over sets and river suckouts, I'm down for about 12 buy-ins.

This hand I really played scared ... I should have raised on the turn:

But okay I don't think he would lay down after a push on the turn.

I think I'll have to tighten up a bit and stop playing small PP from early postion until this downswing ends. Wish me luck...

vrijdag, juli 20, 2007

In a downswing...

Over 1K hands I lost about 7 buy-ins, I'm having a downswing. Last night I lost AK vs. A9 preflop All-in and two sets over sets in about 30 minutes.

Overall I'm pretty happy about my play, but it seems that I can't win any big pots or coin flips these last couple of weeks.

These downswings make you doubt about your pokerskills...but all in all I'm conviced that the money is just around the corner :-)

woensdag, juli 18, 2007


Ok I'm back from a fantastic holiday: great weather, food and the kids really had a terrific time. Me and my girlfriend also decided of getting married next summer, so we're finally making the big step :-)

My pokermonth: well I'm not very happy about it...sets over sets, suckouts on the river...let's call it variance. I'm down for about 5 buy-ins this month, so hopefully I can play some winning sessions during the next few days.

Then I've had some computer problems, so I decided to throw it away and just buy another one. I bought a new DELL Inspiron 531 with all his features, so I'm waiting for the delivery...

Hopefully this computer will make me some BIG money :-)

